European Data Center Growth with the CFO & EVP of Strategy at Digital Realty datacenterHawk 37:48 3 years ago 779 Далее Скачать
Unlocking Alternatives: Opportunities in European Data Centres PIMCO U.S. 5:29 2 years ago 406 Далее Скачать
Efficiency 101: Data Centers' Guide to the New European Regulations Open Compute Project 23:16 6 months ago 207 Далее Скачать
The Growing European Data Center (Centre) Markets, with a DUBLIN focus datacenterHawk 17:12 5 years ago 165 Далее Скачать
Why this US giant is building data centres in Europe | Data Economy Frontline BroadGroup 5:07 5 years ago 146 Далее Скачать
Data Center Go-to-Market, Sales, and Marketing Q&A #38 Data Center Sales & Marketing Institute (DCSMI) 1:07:06 Streamed 2 days ago 163 Далее Скачать
This is why Europe is facing a data centre investment wave | Data Economy Frontline BroadGroup 9:14 5 years ago 288 Далее Скачать
Expo Real: Investors switching on to European data centres: Paul Lewis, Principal Real Estate Europe Real Asset Live TV 1:12 3 years ago 105 Далее Скачать
The future of the European Data Centre Association | Data Economy Frontline BroadGroup 6:44 5 years ago 73 Далее Скачать
Why has there been so much growth in data centres? Roger Montgomery 5:38 4 years ago 1 231 Далее Скачать
"All European data centre markets are growing at significant rates" Business Immo 6:24 1 year ago 112 Далее Скачать
Data4: Scaling data centres for the growing European market Data Centre Magazine 1:42 2 years ago 161 Далее Скачать
Exclusive. Leading in the data centre industry, with Andy Power, CFO, Digital Realty | Data Economy BroadGroup 59:43 4 years ago 645 Далее Скачать
Data Economy speaks to Aruba CEO on mega data centres, global expansion and SRN Europe's colo future BroadGroup 9:33 7 years ago 860 Далее Скачать